Monday, 1 July 2013

How to Drive More Traffic From Facebook to Your Website

So, you have a Facebook page and you have a Website. Both have important information for your clients, but how do you create a connection between them?

Here are just a few simple ways to achieve it:

Create a Post on Facebook.

Not every post will drive traffic to your website. The content of the post has to have a direct connection to the content of the website, and it is important to paste a link to the website in the post. Remember, the what you share has to be informative, but also urge people to click on the link to read more.

Promote your post to Fans.

Only about 10-16% of fans will see your posts for many different reasons. Promoting your posts will reach more fans, but using the "Boost Post" button is not effective and will only cause you to lose money with very limited results. Instead, use the Power Editor, this way you'll have full control over placement and targeting and fans will see your promoted posts in their News Feed.

Promote your post to non-fans.

When posting a new status, always keep your audience in mind. You'll want to appeal to your fans, as well as prospective fans, and if you are promoting your posts with the Power Editor, make sure to target both your fans and non-fans. This way you can gain new likes and remind the people who care about your posts to read them!

Domain Sponsored Stories.

This is an extremely effective way to generate traffic to your website. Encourage your fans to share stories from your website, to their friends and pages. This will broaden your reach. When this share is turned into an ad, it is known as a Domain Sponsored Story.

Get Insights.

You can now even get Insights from Facebook on the traffic sent from Facebook to your website. 
Insights Dashboardclick the green Insights for your Website button at the top right.
It will bring up a dialogue where you can enter your domain name eg. (no www) and a meta tag to copy/paste on the root page of your website, under the <head> section, and Facebook will accumulate the result of traffic for you.

2013-ITWWW-Odette Nieuwoudt

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