Monday, 27 May 2013

Why Websites Without SEO Fail.

There isn't much difference between page 3 & page 30 they all become invisible.

Websites convey the importance, value & quality of what you have to offer your clients. 
Clients won't want to do business with you if all they know about your business is that you have a bad website.  About 80% of people today, will go to your website before contacting you. A website is the world's window to your business, and it is often overlooked by most business owners. If you are a business owner and you haven't heard of SEO - it's time to get with the program.

Why do websites fail?
  • Bad or outdated content
  • Excessive use of Flash
  • No SEO or Social Media
  • Bad Design
  • Inflexible Tech 
Notice how most of these reasons connect to SEO. That only proves it's importance to the success of websites. There are no public statistics on how many SEOs are millionaires - but the count must be well into the thousands. It's all about doing it right. Your biggest risk when starting a new website (or even implementing SEO) is not your ranking but obscurity, amongst your sea of competition. All you or your internet marketing company need to know about to do SEO correctly, is to understand how search engines work. Never hire an internet marketing company that doesn't do for themselves what they promise they’ll do for you. Many fail to see the difference between local Google search and an overall ranking. While Google Local is a great way to capture local business, it shouldn't be your primary means of search marketing. 

The main goal of any website is to generate business and traffic. People don't care what you think is cool. They just want the information and an easy way to buy if they are interested. Don't make it about you, it should be about your users. 

SEO isn't the the only reason that websites fail, but it is one worth noting.  The first thing you need to do is get your website noticed, be it on Google Ranking or via Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Twitter, G+, Youtube). Both will work in your favour and both are essential for getting your business noted. 

At In Touch with the World, we can design a website that works for both you and your clients, including SEO & Social Media Marketing to generate traffic to your website & new clients to your business without hurting your pocket. 

2013-ITWWW-Odette Nieuwoudt

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

In Touch with the World - Introducing our Shopping Baskets!

In online marketing, and especially for retail-oriented businesses, E-Commerce can offer you a great competitive edge in the digital world, to inform your clients that your website has a Shopping Cart/Basket. In the world we live in, convenience is a huge necessity for a happy client, for that reason - online shopping had a quick and easy rise to fame. Great examples would be and even locally at Comparing prices to find the best deal and having a wider selection has never been this simple! While many consumers still prefer the in-store shopping experience, e-commerce is the way of the future. South Africa is finally catching up it seems and embracing all the things the internet has to offer, over the past few years our online shopping has had a significant increase, while retail shopping has had a slow decrease in statistics. Retail stores have begun competing to make shopping a pleasure and seeing E-Commerce as a threat. While this is true, they should be seeing at as an opportunity for business. It is a fact that online shopping has been killing the future of retail stores in the USA, such as Borders - a chain of extinct bookstores that has been abandoned because of the convenience of digital merchandising. Books, music and movies have all be traded for digital downloads after purchase, cutting out delivery time completely and making online shopping a further convenience for consumers. Many South African stores have now embraced online shopping, adding shopping baskets to their websites such as Incredible ConnectionCNA and more recently, Mr. Price. Embracing online shopping is certainly a double-edged sword for retail stores, while creating convenience for your clients, you are also creating unnecessary costs by keeping a shop open and having a decrease in sales, as well as destroying job opportunities, which is already an issue in our country. On the other hand, online shopping has already created a solution for that - a way of generating an income by creating your own stores via and
Anything can be sold these days; Amazon has become a big retailer for Pampers nappies. No matter what the product - some online store somewhere is selling it. Choose - Pay - Deliver, or should you prefer Cash on Delivery - remember, it's all about your convenience, that is the beauty of online shopping, that and of course everything online can be found at a cheaper price than the price in retail stores, because online stores don't have the extra costs of rent and staff. The saying 'Time is Money' connects directly to online shopping - because you save on both.

Online Shopping vs. In-Store Shopping

Online shopping is a convenient, easy way to shop. The stores never close, you receive quick service and you can easily compare prices while having a greater variety to choose from. You get an extensive view of the product, reviews and you can also do your own research before you buy from the comfort of your own home.
While with in-store shopping the term "out-of-stock" is ever popular, which leaves you to go from shop to shop, losing patience and time, looking for your desired item. Many enjoy the look-and-feel of physically going to the store and seeing the product before purchasing, and although that could be an advantage of retail shopping, but many online stores now offer a replacement policy should the item reach you damaged.   

Shopping Baskets at ITWWW

We offer a hassle-free Business - to - Consumer online shopping basket to your website that has the essential product, basket, payment options as well as all the relevant product information for a one-stop-shop experience along with a design that suits your website. 
It's all about:
  • Convenience
  • Information
  • Price & Selection
  • Safety & Security 

South Africa is slowly following in the footsteps of the USA, and with iTunes SA and, there will definitely be a decline in CD and books sales around the country in the next year. Retail stores are losing their appeal to the convenience and availability of online shopping.

Adding a shopping basket to your business is an essential part of attracting customers and a user-friendly shopping is the way to keep them coming back.

For more information email

2013-ITWWW-Odette Nieuwoudt

Monday, 6 May 2013

Specials of the Week 6 - 12 May 2013

This Weeks' Specials include a CCTV system and a VOIP handset, both at amazing and unbelievable prices!! For more info, head over to our Facebook page, or email

Grandstream VOIP Handset

CCTV System